SARA Field Day – June 23-24

ARRL Field Day is Saturday June 23rd – June 24th. SARA’s Field Day will be held at the American Legion Post 243 in Rittman from 2pm on the 23rd until approximately 12 noon on the 24th. Mark this time on your calendar now! Complete information about SARA’s Field Day is available at See that page often for updates as they occur.

Field Day T-Shirts – Anyone from the club wanting an official SARA Field Day t-shirt should let Jason McCormick know by April 30th. The SARA Field Day shirts will be a hi-vis/safety yellow-green with the SARA logo on the front left chest and “Field Day” in large letters on the back. Shirts are a 50/50 blend and should be good for multiple years (i.e. they won’t have the date/year on it). Sizes S to 6XL are available. The cost for the shirts: S-XL is $12, 2XL is $13, 3XL is $14, 4XL is $15, 5XL is $16, and 6XL is $17.

Orders need to be placed no later than Monday April 30th. We need to order 12 shirts minimum and get the order in before the summer sports seasons start. Please pay in exact-change cash or check made out to S.A.R.A. This will be a one-time run only and none will be available closer to the event.

Visitor Greeters – One of the goals of Field Day is to bring in prospective people interested in amateur radio and getting licensed. It also may bring in hams who aren’t members of SARA. The designated Visitor Greeter, during their timeslot, would watch for visitors, welcome them to the event, explain what’s going on, help them with the information on the table, and see if they want to operate. We would be looking for people to volunteer for 1 or 2 hour-long slots on Saturday 2p-10p and Sunday 8a-12p. We want our event to encourage people to join both the amateur radio ranks and SARA.

Contact Jason McCormick N8JDM (jason @ mfamily . org) if you’re interested in volunteering or want to purchase a t-shirt.

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