October 2015 Foxhunt report

The day dawned clear and cold. It went downhill from there. The last foxhunt was October 17, 2015. I (W8IJG) hid in a nice shelter in Creston with my homebrew beam antenna and SARA’S “Fox Box.” The hunters gathered at Buehler’s in Wadsworth and set off around 9:45.

My homebrew three element beam antenna came with a “twist.” The twist being that I was “twisting” it to a different direction about every five minutes. Despite my best efforts, Carol N8SIN and Gary N8OGK managed to find me in the span of about an hour. Dave N8SAX and Mike KD8TGW followed shortly. We all enjoyed a meal of Meatball subs with all of the fixings and Carol suggested we take the leftovers to the tower crew. She is clever that way.

We were able to feed the whole tower crew with a few leftovers. Carol and Gary will host the next hunt. Thanks to everyone that participated!

– Bob, W8IJGOctober2015-Foxhunt



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