NEW K3LR Video
Tim Duffy K3LR wants to share what he calls the “best K3LR video yet”. I concur!! You will want to watch this one! AA8CS
Tim Duffy K3LR wants to share what he calls the “best K3LR video yet”. I concur!! You will want to watch this one! AA8CS
Friday, June 10th, a newly packaged Raspberry Pi based repeater controller was installed on the 147.39 repeater, along with a squelch circuit based on the old but famous Motorola Micor squelch chip. This new package makes listening to the repeater a bit more pleasant. Strong signals will have little or no noise burst after they
Updated 39 Squelch and Repeater Controller Installed Read More »
As of March 13th 2016, the 147.390 SARA repeater is now connected to the AllStar and Echolink networks. The 39 repeater is node number 43211 on AllStar, and node 580387 as W8WKY-R on Echolink. You can read more about how it all works in this article and the presentation linked from it. To accommodate some
147.39 repeater now on AllStar, Echolink, and Broadcastify Read More »