Thanks to everyone that helped out and also that operated for the SARA 40th Anniversary Special Event Station! It was a great way to get on the air, have some fun, and make contacts in spite of the bands not being very cooperative.
We had a total 19 of our 2-hour slots scheduled for members to operate over the week (not including the picnic on Saturday). N8OFP, N8JDM, N8CD, AB8OU, AA8CS, KD8GYS all operated with the W8WKY callsign and turned in logs for their slots. We racked up a total of 294 contacts over the week, with 266 different stations contacting W8WKY (several people worked us on multiple bands). Those stations can generate and print their own certificates from our club website at
A big thanks go to Jason, N8JDM for writing first-class certificate and log management software for our website. That made the whole event quite a bit easier to manage. Jason has released his software (SmoothQSL) as an open source project for anyone that wants to play around with it.