SARA members assist Baker Tower

Sunday April 9th, SARA members Del Labo N8OFP, John Wagner N8CD and Gary Shorter AA8CS assist Marty Baker N8XPK at the tower site.

Del N8OFP ready to host a new antenna into place if necessary.

With an SWR of over 4 to 1 and an apparent antenna issue, N8XPK ascends the tower in an effort to ready his antenna for a new client.

Marty N8XPK buckles up for the climb.
Working at the top! SARA 2meter antenna just visible at the lower right.







SARA provided ground support and anticipated an antenna installation. The radio gods smiled and the problem was merely water in a coax jumper.

Marty N8XPK and John N8CD check the results of their efforts.







It was a great day for antenna work and a good time had by all. ~AA8CS


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