SARA will be holding Field Day in 2021! As is the club practice, SARA Field Day will be held at the American Legion in Rittman at 220 E. Sunset Dr. Rittman, OH 44270. SARA will be operating a 5-Alpha setup (5 stations running on emergency power in a non-traditional setting) on 160m to 10m.
SARA Field Day operations will have the following general schedule:
6/26 11:00 – Setup Begins
6/26 14:00 – On-Air Operations Commence
6/27 10:00 – On-Air Operations Cease; Tear-Down Begins
6/27 12:00 – Tear-Down Complete
SARA will be providing Saturday dinner and and Sunday breakfast for club members. Certain restrictions and rules on attendance and participation regarding COVID-19 will be in place based on then-current Ohio health orders.
If you are able to serve on the Field Day Team to setup, tear-down, or provide other support please fill out the form below.
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