The SARA 2022 Winter Field Day event will take place from 2pm January 29th through 2pm January 30th, 2022 at the American Legion Hall in Rittman, Ohio. The address is 220 E. Sunset Drive, Rittman, OH 44270. If you’re a GPS aficionado it’s 40.980509, -81.774974. This event will be very similar to the successful SARA 2021 Summer Field Day, with the same location, 5A club station and logging equipment.
The SARA Social Committee will once again provide supper @ 5pm Saturday (Russ KD8VYT is bringing chili, cornbread, salad and all the fixings), and coffee (provided by Gary AA8CS). We’ll have enough for all who join us.
If you want to try out amateur radio, see what the SARA club is all about, enjoy good radio fellowship, and operate in the Extra class portion of the bands: YOU are invited to join us for great radio, food and company. All are welcome: you do not have to be a member to participate. We hope to see you there! Please take a few moments to sign up below so we know who to expect when.
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