First VE Session of 2025 Completed

Hello, SARA VE Team and Friends!

The first session of 2025 is now on the books.  All test information has been scanned and uploaded to the ARRL as of Saturday, February 1st, our test date.

I want to thank the following people for the assistance that they provided for SARA/WARC and always do provide for VE Exam Sessions. Bill Knauf, KN8WDK, and Doug Hunter, KE8JNH for always working the Sign-in table and being the front line for a test taker to receive all the paperwork they need for their exams. A special callout to Jerry Stroup, KC8HDP, who planned on making it but could not, thank you Jerry for always being available for the VE Exam Sessions! The VE’s who were present were, Eric Mast, W8ELM, Philip Costanzo, WV3K, Garry Foster, W8GMF, Stephen Kinford, N8WB (ME) also, Randolph Goudy, KF9CFC (A Visiting VE to check out the process)

Congratulations to our newest VE who also did his very first session, a big hand to, Ronald Stoller, KB8LNK our newest VE Team Member!

Thank you to those of you who always volunteer to be part of these sessions. You’re all why Barry Youmans, KI8B our previous VE Team Leader, and I have been so successful in giving Amateur Radio Exams to those wanting to get their first license or upgrade to a higher class license.

As a VE you may think, “It’s just time out of your day sitting in a chair doing paperwork”. But, to someone taking the exams, you are the person who is opening a door to a dream and being part of a great radio service where they can learn communication skills and in which they will grow in the radio community at large.

This session as you may or may not all know, is one of the two Wayne County sessions that we do each year in, February and August, it’s a great location to do the exams. at the Smithville Brethren Church listed here:
We also do four sessions a year in Medina County, April, June, October, and December, at the Sharon Center United Methodist Church.

Our next VE Exam Session in Medina County will be on April 5th.

We had three people who took the Exam, two for Extra and one for Tech.  We have a new Technician in the amateur radio service and one Extra, so please say congratulations to James E Fike, N8EAI from the SARA club for passing his Extra Class Exam.

Again, thank you everyone for the service that you do for SARA/WARC and the Amateur Radio Communities that we all love so much.

If you would like to become an ARRL Volunteer Examiner please go to the ARRL VE Manual webpage found here: click the link labeled: VE Manual PDF. Once you download the PDF VE Manual, you can print all 79 pages or just read it on your screen. Please also click the link further down on the page labeled: ARRL VE Application Form and Open-Book Review. This is the form that you will fill out and mail, email, or fax to the ARRL. That form is also in the book but this version is the interactive one to fill out.
If you do receive your ARRL credentials and would like to be part of the SARA VE Team let us know.

Have a very great Month.  See you all on April 5th for our next VE Exam Session at the Sharon Center United Methodist Church!

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