July 2024 Fox Hunt Wrap-Up

From Dave NT8D:

A huge thank you to all who were able to participate in the first annual Bob Bohn Memorial Fox Hunt. Congratulations to Del and Brian (N8OFP and KF8G) who made the trip in the shortest possible mileage with 5.1 miles. The Fox was in a pine tree in Green Leaf Park, which I learned was where Bob set up his first Fox Hunt. Synchronicity. Honors to Bob. A half dozen teams participated, the last arriving at 12:30 without opening the envelope. Thanks to Mark KG4SCK for helping me to pull off my first Fox Hunt. Pictures are below.

Our next Fox Hunt will be sometime in October, hopefully when the trees are in full color. If anyone has any suggestions to improve the event, please let me know.

73 to all.

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