As a general interest radio club, SARA’s members have a wide set of interests and skills. Many of those interests and skills turn into interesting projects and ways of doing things that have application for the broader ham community.
Categorized below are different build information for various aspects of amateur radio. Some items are hosted on our site, some on other members’ sites, and some are on YouTube.
SARA makes no warranty for any information not posted on its own site.
N8EI’s Simple J-Pole Antenna – Developed in 2021 for the Ohio Simplex Contest, this simple and inexpensive dual-band 2m/70cm antenna is a workhorse used by over 40 club members.
Terminated Folded Dipole – Developed for Field Day 2021. This antenna works on 160m – 6m without a tuner. Perfect for multi-radio stations or ALE.
Horizontal Loop Antennas – Two members are heavily interested in “sky loop” antennas. AA8CS and N1EZZ both have good information on building large loop antennas.
Receive Antennas – W8 “Top Band” has done a lot of work on the topic of receive antennas.
Raspberry Pi Projects
APRS iGate – N8EI over at the Wayne Tech Fanatics site gives directions on building a “two-way” iGate for the APRS network.
Erecting a Home Tower – Presented by N8XPK, a commercial tower owner, climber, and operator.
Grounding and Bonding – N8CD shares information on how to protect your station and home from lightning.